
Scouting offers fun, challenge and adventure to nearly 400,000 young people in the UK. We know that young people thrive in safe surroundings so we are committed to making sure that Scouting is enjoyable and safe for everyone who takes part. 

To ensure the group’s safety and enjoyment we have strict rules over the maximum number of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts in any group in relation to the number of volunteer Leaders.  There is also a Adult:Child ratio which we must observe at all times.

Please bring your own child into the Scout Hall on arrival and, when collecting them at the end of the meeting, please come into the hut and make yourself known. Please let the Leaders know in advance if someone else (e.g. Grandparents or a  another Cub parent) is collecting your child on your behalf.

As a parent or carer, you will have questions about safeguarding, and we hope to provide the answers in our ‘Safe and Sound’ leaflet

If you have a concern or question regarding safeguarding in Scouting or have a concern regarding a young person or volunteer, you can call the information centre on 0345 300 1818 or email, whereby your call can be directed to our dedicated Safeguarding Team.