Leaders needed!

The 1st Forest Row Scout Group is an active and strong Group with a dedicated group who deliver Scouting to a high level.

We are on the look out for people who might be able to help out, perhaps as a leader, perhaps an assistant, perhaps behind the scenes as a member of the Executive. Could you help? It’s not all about kayaking and climbing mountains. Lots of it is about organising games, problem solving exercises, art and crafts and community activities.

In particular at the moment we are looking for a new Cub Scout Leader to oversee the team, and section assistants to help out with Cubs on a Tuesday night. But if neither of those suit you, please do still get in touch if you think you can get involved in some other way.

I know that life is hectic for many, but Volunteering for Adults in Scouting is very rewarding, helping our young people develop skills for life.

These roles can be filled by Mums, Dads, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, or indeed any person over age of 18!

Many may feel they cannot get involved as they “know nothing about Scouting” and whilst I could state that “do you want a new challenge” and other such clichés, the fact is we need help and volunteering can be fun!

If you would like to get involved, please contact grant.hume@egscouts.org.uk.

Support 1st Forest Row every time you shop on Amazon

Every time you spend money with Amazon you could be contributing to the Forest Row Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. The Amazon Smile scheme contributes 0.5% of every purchase that you make on Amazon to the Forest Row Scout Group.

For anyone who is not currently using Amazon Smile, PLEASE CLICK here to sign up. You can then search for “1st Forest Row Scouts” as your chosen charity.

For existing Smile users, all you need to do is follow THIS LINK to change your chosen charity to “1st Forest Row Scouts”.

Every time you shop on Amazon, please remember to log in through the page smile.amazon.co.uk. That last bit is important. If you don’t go via that page, we won’t get anything, so change your bookmarks.

Section Assistants wanted for Monday Scouts

The 1st Forest Row Scout Troop is a young and growing group. To support that growth we are looking for new volunteer Section Assistants who are prepared to commit two hours on a Monday night most weeks during term time. Your role will be to assist the Scout Leaders in delivering the Scouting programme. This will include helping to run games and activities during meetings and at events, and supporting the Scouts to achieve their badges and awards. In the last few weeks our activities have included archery, building a bug hotel, navigation, pioneering, backwoods cooking and a weekend cycling expedition.

What kind of people are we looking for? The simple answer is: all kinds. Section Assistants come in all shapes and sizes. Some are infectiously enthusiastic about helping Scouts to develop skills for life. Some are using it as an excuse to relive their childhood and do some things they might not have done before. Some are community-minded and love having Scouting in Forest Row. Some are rough, tough, outdoors types who want to pass on knowledge to young people. There is room for any of these within the 1st Forest Row Scouts, as long as you’re committed to helping our young people experience amazing activities and develop new skills.

If you’re unsure about whether Scouting is for you, why not take the ‘Four Week Challenge’? Volunteer for just one evening a week for four weeks and you can see if Scouting is for you. No commitment.

If you’re up for the challenge, please contact the Group Scout Leader Grant Hume: grant.hume@egscouts.org.uk. If you are unsure about how much time you can commit to Scouts, please do contact us as we have many flexible options.

Welcome to our new website

Forest Row Scout Group has a new website, and you’re already here. On this site you will be able to find information on the various sections (Beavers, Cubs, and our two Scout Troops).

If you have a child who is interested in joining up, please use the ‘Child Joining’ form. Or if you are an adult who wants to get involved in helping to support scouting, please use the ‘Volunteer’ form.


Matt Hatton

Group Scout Leader